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Good Workouts to Lose Belly Fat

Here Are the Best Plank Workouts to Banish Belly Fat

The best plank workout for belly fat, according to trainers.

The plank is one of the most popular workouts and there's a reason it's included in all types of fitness classes: One of the most significant benefits of this exercise is building core strength and overall stability.

"Many people only think of the core as your abdominal muscles, but the reality is that your core is much more than that," says AKT master trainer Alissa Tucker. "Your core includes the abdominal complex and the back, hips, and pelvis. These are also the muscles responsible for stabilizing the body. Planks help improve stability by working all of these muscles together."

Good Workouts to Lose Belly Fat

While the best way to lose belly fat is to eat a healthy, nutrient-dense diet and work to create a calorie deficit, belly fat can also help with belly fat loss because they keep your belly fat free. Let's work the muscles. But not all plank workouts are created equal! Here are the top plank workouts that can reduce belly fat.

Best Plank Exercise for Belly Fat 1. Plank/Semi-Plank or Hover Hold

"This exercise strengthens the abdominals, legs, arms, and shoulders and increases shoulder stability," says Portia Page, PT, NCPT, Balanced Body master instructor.

There are four levels.

On all fours (Level 1): Come down, taking knees under hips and hands under shoulders. Make sure there is enough space between your hands and knees to lengthen your torso to a neutral line. Press hands firmly into the floor to activate upper arms and move shoulders away from ears, lifting sternum to bring head in line with upper back and torso. Stop for 30 seconds and take a break and try again for 30 seconds.

Semi-Plank (Level 2): Get into all fours and walk both hands in front of your chest about 5-6 inches. Roll shoulders back over hands and open (extend) hips to form a long line from shoulders to hips. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

Plank (Level 3): Follow the instructions for Level 2. Once established in a semi-plank position, press toes down and press into legs, straightening legs. Keep the torso long and straight and keep the hips in line with the shoulders. Hold for 30-90 seconds.

Hover (Level 4 and Modification for Weak Wrists): This position is also good for wrist problems or pain. From a semi-plank position, bring your elbows to the floor under your shoulders. Keep the hands in line with the shoulders or allow the hands to come towards each other so that the forearms and hands form a triangle. Either stay in this position for 30-90 seconds or, to further challenge the core and upper body, press into forearms and reach back through heels to lift knees off the floor and form a long line from behind the head. Create to the feet and heels.

the story continues

"[These] plank series include moves across all planes of motion to target all the muscles of the core, as well as cardio plank exercises to elevate the heart rate," says Tucker. Turn on your favorite high-energy song and repeat the following moves. Try to stay in your plank for the entire song.

2. Knee drops

This is a great move to bring awareness to the deep core muscles. Activating your deep core muscles (transverse abdominis) can help create that "flat ab" appearance.

start in your plank position

Bend your knees and lower down to tap the floor

Straighten the legs back to your full plank.

3. Hip Rainbow

This move really targets obliques.

4. Oblique Knee Pulls

This is another great skewer burner.

5. Curved Climbers

It will raise the heart rate and burn calories while also working the obliques and rectus abdominis (six-pack muscles).

start in a plank

Good Workouts to Lose Belly Fat

Lying raises legs

Doing leg raises can help you lose weight during periods when you would otherwise be sedentary. These are great exercises to burn extra calories while you're watching TV. They can also help strengthen your leg muscles, which will boost your metabolism.

These exercises are relatively easy to do. The only equipment you need is a mat. A regular yoga mat will suffice.

To get started, you'll need to lie down on your mat. Press your palms into the floor and tuck your thumbs under your hips. Raise your legs a few inches off the ground and point them toward the ceiling. Be sure to engage your core. Slowly raise your legs to 90° and return them to their original position.

tai chi

Tai chi may not seem like the best exercise for weight loss. However, studies have shown that it can be surprisingly effective, especially among people over 50.

The Annals of Internal Medicine recently published a study from Hong Kong on the benefits of tai chi. The study tracked 380 people over 12 weeks. Research showed that tai chi helped people lose slightly more weight than traditional exercise.

One of the benefits of tai chi is that it can help you burn calories without putting too much stress on your muscles, ligaments, and joints. As a result, you can do tai chi on top of other exercises without worrying about suffering from overuse injuries.


You can also try brisk walking in addition to other exercises. Just 30 minutes of brisk walking can help you burn an extra 150 calories a day. Of course, you can burn more calories by walking at a faster pace or running for a longer period.

Walking is an excellent exercise for people who don't want to put effort into an overly strenuous activity or want to burn extra calories without overexerting themselves. In addition to reducing excess belly fat, brisk walking can be great for stress management.


Pilates is one of the best weight loss exercises that you can do in the comfort of your own home. A meta-analysis study published in Frontiers in Physiology showed that Pilates dramatically reduced body weight, BMI, and body fat percentage. In addition, they appear to be most effective for adults who are overweight or obese.

You don't need to invest in a lot of equipment or fancy classes to do Pilates to lose weight. An exercise mat is all you need to protect your bones and joints.

To do Pilates, you should lie flat on your back and extend your legs and arms at your sides to 90°. After this, you should stand up and reach the ceiling without touching it. If you are touching the ceiling, you need to move to a separate room with a higher ceiling where you can perform this technique without doing so. You must slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth while contracting your abdominal muscles.


Yoga is a popular activity. Yoga is practiced by more than 36 million people in the United States and about 300 million people worldwide.

While yoga is a fun activity, it also has many health benefits. People practice yoga to manage stress, improve muscle tone, and lose weight.

yoga may not seem like the best weight loss activity because it is not a high-impact exercise. However, research has shown that it is amazingly helpful in reducing excess body weight. For example, a study published in the journal Obesity showed that participants lost an average of 8 extra pounds over six months.

Yoga is especially effective for older adults who struggle to participate in high-intensity weight loss activities. It is also a good weight loss activity for people engaged in other exercises who do not want to worry about overuse injuries.

Bosu ball plank

BOSU Ball Planks is a relatively easy exercise that can be done in the comfort of your own home. Of course, you'll need to buy a BOSU ball to do these exercises, but otherwise, they're easy exercises to perform.

You have to place the ball on the ground in such a way that its flat side is facing down and the blue rubber side is facing up. You have to lower your body towards the floor as if you were about to do pushups. Your feet should be tucked together. You will need to tighten your core and ensure that your hips are in line with each other.

You have to keep your body in the same position for the entire set. You'll burn energy and strengthen your muscles by supporting your body weight with your arms, legs, and the Bosu ball.

climbing stairs

For those who don't want to pay for a gym membership or invest in fancy, expensive equipment, stair climbing is another great weight loss activity. Last year, Sonakshi Kohli, a writer for Healthshots, shared her story of losing weight while climbing stairs during the pandemic. She said the experience helped her realize she didn't need to go to a gym to get a good workout.

For every flight of stairs you climb, you can burn up to five calories. Of course, d will be the number of calories you expend

It depends on the slope of the stairs, the number of steps, your body weight, and how fast you climb. However, people burn an average of 235 calories for every half hour they climb stairs.

Apart from burning more calories, there are many other health benefits of climbing stairs. You will improve your heart health. You'll also strengthen your leg muscles, which will increase your metabolism and further aid in weight loss.

"Mountain Climber" Plank Exercise

Many different types of plank exercises can help with weight loss. Climbers are one of the most popular.

These exercises are relatively easy to learn. To begin with, you need to get your body in a high plank position. Your wrists should be placed directly under your shoulders. Next, you'll need to tighten your core and pull your abs in. Once you are in this position, you need to pull one of your knees towards your chest and then bring it back to its original position. You have to alternate sides and keep repeating this pattern.

Before starting this exercise, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the different plank positions. In addition, you need to keep your form correct to avoid putting too much strain on your back, wrists, and elbows.

leg in and out

You can also do a simple exercise that involves moving your feet in and out. It's an easy way to burn extra calories while watching TV or relaxing at home when you don't feel like hitting the gym or putting in some other strenuous activity. In addition to helping with weight loss, it can help strengthen your lower and upper abs, hamstrings, glutes, and quads.

You will need a comfortable mat to sit on. Place your hands slightly behind your back, face down on the ground. Then lift your legs off the floor and lean back slightly. Draw your legs inward as you lower your upper body toward them. Return to your original position. You'll want to do about 40 repetitions, taking a break after the first 20.

You should make sure that your hands are not placed too far apart. This mistake can put too much pressure on your back and elbows, which can lead to injury.

Turkish get-up

The Turkish get-up is a unique exercise recommended for people who want to improve their coordination and stabilize their shoulders. The Turkish get-up is also a great exercise to burn fat. Men's Journal reports that this is one of the best exercises for people looking to lose weight.

You will need a kettlebell to do this workout. Your kettlebell should weigh about 20 pounds when you're first starting out. Then, once you've learned the right moves, you can start using a heavier one.

To do this exercise, you have to lie on your back and spread your arms and legs at an angle of 45°. Next, you need to bend your right knee and place your right foot flat on the floor. Draw your foot a few inches from your buttocks and place it on the side of your hip. Then straighten your right arm towards the ceiling and make a fist with the knuckle facing up. Make sure you don't twist your wrist in the process. Watch your fist. This is where your kettlebell will be held. Distribute your body weight between your left elbow and right heel as you push yourself up. Pull your shoulder and then do this exercise in the opposite direction. Repeat the process while actually holding the kettlebell in your hand.

Once you've mastered these movements, you'll move on to using kettlebells. You should not do this exercise if you cannot keep your arm straight or hold a heavy object above your head.

scissor kick

Scissor kicks are one of the best fat-burning exercises that you can do from the comfort of your home. There are many benefits of doing these. They help sculpt your core, tone your glute and thigh muscles, tone your abs and burn fat.

You will need a comfortable mat to perform the exercise. You will need to lie down and press your legs together. Place both hands under your buttocks and point your toes towards the ceiling. Tightening your core, start lifting your legs one by one.

You can see results by exercising as little as 10 minutes each day. Try to do at least 50 repetitions for each leg.


Stretches are exercises that are derived from Brazilian Jujitsu. They activate the muscles of your lower and upper body. Since you're working for multiple muscle groups, you'll burn a good number of calories doing them. You'll also increase your metabolism by building muscle tissue.

To start this exercise you need to stand straight. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly bend your hips and knees. You want to balance your weight on the balls of your feet. Lower your hands to touch the floor next to your feet and kick your leg back. Come back to the high plank position, keeping your knees, shoulders, and hips straight. jump off the ground keeping your body in an upright position.

When you're starting out, you can probably do 25 to 40 repetitions a day. As you practice more, you can complete more repetitions.

Side-to-Side Medicine Ball Slam

Alternating side medicine ball slams are exercises that strengthen the glutes, quadriceps, middle back, lateral muscles, and abs. They target the same muscle groups as pushups and planks for reverse bench crunches.

You will need to stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. The medicine ball should be placed just below your chest. You should raise the medicine ball as high above your head as possible without loosening your grip. Quickly lower the ball and slam it to the right side of your body. Squat down and retrieve the ball. While doing this your knees should be bent. Then return your body to the original position. Follow the same movements with the opposite side of your body.

One of the benefits of these exercises is that you will work up a sweat without getting tired. Repeating this for a longer period makes it easier to burn more calories.


Cycling is one of the most popular exercises. It has tremendous cardiovascular benefits and can help with weight loss.

A 2015 study by the University of East Anglia showed that people could lose an extra 15 pounds every year by riding a bicycle to work for 30 minutes. Plus, a Harvard Health report showed that people of about 155 pounds can burn more than 200 calories in 30 minutes of bicycling at 12 mph.

The weight loss benefits of cycling will depend on your form and commitment. Some people like to ride leisurely. Unfortunately, it doesn't help that much in weight loss.

By following high-intensity interval training techniques, you can burn more calories while cycling. This approach involves performing intense workouts for short periods, followed by intervals of less intense exercise. For example, cyclists who want to practice high-intensity interval training may ride as fast as possible for 30 to 60 seconds before cycling at a lower speed for 2 to 3 minutes. These intervals can be repeated for between 20 and 30 minutes.


Swimming can be a great way to lose weight. The average person burns between 430 and 575 calories in an hour of swimming at a leisurely pace.

However, the level of intensity and specific stroke can be extremely important. One study found that people who swam regularly lost about 2.5 pounds more over a year than those who walked for the same amount of time. The study tracked older women who were otherwise not active but were still in good health. More active adults may be able to lose more weight by swimming faster or using larger strokes.

People who want to burn more calories should try to train each major muscle group. For example, they can use bridge and skull sets or try kicking with a kickboard to get their heart rate up. They can also try interval training. It's possible to burn a lot more calories with 10 10-second long intervals than it is to swim 1,000 seconds at a time.


Rowing machines have many great health benefits. You can burn 500 to 700 calories in an hour at an average pace. However, if you walk at a brisk pace, it is possible to burn more than 1,100 calories in an hour.

You'll get the most out of this workout if you understand the best exercises. You should maintain a firm grip on the handle without pressing too hard. You won't be able to burn calories if you have to grip the handle again because your grip wasn't tight enough. On the other hand, you don't want to grip it so tightly that your hands and forearms are in too much pain to continue. You also need to drive mostly with your legs and push yourself straight back. Your leg muscles have more strength to handle the effort so your arms don't tire as quickly.

Rowing is a great exercise for burning fat, provided you've mastered the form correctly. Once you get used to it, you'll be able to increase your speed and burn calories more quickly.

jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are simple exercises that can be done at home. You don't need any fancy equipment, and they are very easy to learn.

While jumping jacks are not complicated to perform, they are excellent for burning unwanted belly fat. The average person burns about ten calories a minute doing jumping jacks. Of course, the number of calories you burn is going to depend on the intensity.

Some health experts have come up with jumping-jack challenges. For example, you could try doing 100 jumping jacks three times a day. It can help you burn extra calories quickly during your downtime.

push up

Pushups are also a great exercise for those who want to lose weight. You can burn at least 7 calories faster every minute by doing pushups. You'll also build muscle tissue, which will increase your metabolism.

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